Darganfodwch Ni’n hawdd gyda / Find Us Easily with
Sefydlwyd Moduron Blythe yn 1981.
Gallwn roi’r prisiau gorau ar wasanaeth trwsio ceir, ynghyd a chyflenwi a gosod teiars newydd ac olwynion aloi.
Gan ein bod yn gwmni bychan lleol, mae ein costau cyffredinol yn is na’n cystadleuwyr, ac felly nid ydym yn pasio’r costau uchel yma i’n cwsmeriaid.
Yn ogystal a’r gwaith gwasanaethu a thrwsio, ’rydym hefyd yn gwerthu ceir ail law o safon uchel.
Mae Moduron Blythe yn aelod o Ffederasiwn y Busnesai Bach.
Established in 1981, Blythe Garage is a small business, catering for all your motoring needs.
We are in a position to offer our customers competitive prices on all their vehicle servicing, maintenance and tyre and alloy wheel requirements. In addition to servicing and repairs, we also sell quality used vehicles. We believe we are able to give our customers the best value for money possible, simply because we do not have the enormous overhead costs of our larger competitors, which, unfortunately they have to pass on to their customers.
Blythe Garage are a member of The Federation of Small Businesses.